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📜The Lore

Once upon a time...

Unlike some other games, Reavers is uniquely created around a captivating lore that may strike a chord of familiarity within you.

The sea was vast and unrelenting, and at the helm of the infamous Flying Dutchman, Captain Davy Jones ruled with an iron fist. His ship was a thing of legend, feared by all who knew of it, and his crew was loyal to him beyond measure. But despite his power and dominion over the seas, Davy was not content. He longed for a challenge, something to test his skills and push him to his limits.

And so it was that Davy crossed paths with a formidable enemy - Captain Blackbeard, the scourge of the Caribbean. Blackbeard was on the hunt for a legendary treasure, said to grant immense power and dominion, and when Davy heard the words "Scepter of Orion," his interest was piqued. Why did Blackbeard, who was already so powerful, need this legendary item? The only reason could be to challenge Davy himself.

The two captains engaged in a fierce battle, their ships locked in mortal combat. The sound of cannon fire echoed across the waves as they fought for dominance, but in the end, it was Davy who emerged victorious. In his anger, he cursed Blackbeard and his ship, the Queen Anne's Revenge, to a terrible fate.

But little did Davy know, Queen Anne's Revenge held a terrible secret. In the chaos of battle, his own mentor and closest confidant, Raven, had been taken prisoner aboard the ship. Blackbeard, desperate to break his curse and seek revenge, spent centuries searching for a way to do so.

And then one day, he found it. The Jewel of Triton, an ancient artefact said to give its holder control over the hearts of all those around them. With the Jewel, Blackbeard broke his curse and gained control over Davy's heart and the Dutchman itself.

Meanwhile, Raven had managed to escape from Queen Anne's Revenge and make it to land. There, he set out to find Davy and inform him of what had transpired. But Davy was nowhere to be found, so Raven sent messages to him instead. He knew all about Blackbeard's plot for revenge - as a prisoner, whispers and secrets had become the currency of the cursed ship for centuries.

Davy realised that the only way to take back control of his heart and the Dutchman was to find the legendary Trident of Poseidon. It was said to be the only weapon capable of defeating the Jewel of Triton's power, and after all, Poseidon was the father of Triton himself.

Raven was tasked with gathering a crew so they could set out on the long journey ahead of them. They would set sail a final time on The Reaver, the ship that Davy had once captained, and take back what was rightfully theirs. As they set off into the unknown, the wind at their backs and the sun on their faces, Raven knew that the journey ahead would be long and treacherous. But he also knew that they had no choice but to succeed. For the fate of the seas, and of all those who sailed upon them, hung in the balance.

We may be cursed, but we are not defeated, he said to his crew. Not yet.

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